Academy Policy for On-Demand Courses

Confidentiality and Intellectual Property

All material and content delivered during the Course are copyrighted and for the sole use of the Students enrolled in the Course. Student agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any purpose, electronically or otherwise, any portion of the Course without express written permission from Teacher.

In addition, any information shared by other Students during the Course shall be considered Confidential, and not shared outside Academy without express permission.

Personal Conduct

Teacher and Students adhere to the high standard of professional and ethical behaviour. Throughout the Course, when posting in the Discussions, Student is expected to be polite, considerate and respectful towards Teacher and other Students. 

In the unlikely event of unprofessional, unsafe or ill-mannered behaviour Student can be disqualified from the Course at any time. Such decisions are made at the discretion of Teacher and are not subject to review or refund.


No cancellation refunds will be processed. Before purchasing the Course, we offer you the opportunity to watch the free preview and email the Teacher if you have any questions.


Certificate of Successful Completion granted by Academy serves as a validation of knowledge obtained through this training.

Academy cannot guarantee the recognition of the Certification by regulatory bodies or other authorities.